My Mission:

My mission is not only to provide the tools necessary to help out the 1.1 billion people who lack safe drinking water but to raise awareness on the topic as well. 1 out of every 6 people worldwide still lack access to the earths most overlooked and precious resource, water. In the time it took you to read what was written above, a child died from a water-borne illness such as diarrhea(1 every 20 seconds or 5,000 children a day). It's easy to overlook the seriousness of this issue as we waste water like it's going out of style whether it be our pools, water parks, and even bottled water. Not only is this water needed to quench the thirst of those living in developing countries but it's needed for hygiene practices and most importantly, agriculture which dominates many of these countries economies. I'm dedicating my life(for now) to making sure I can do everything I can both domestically and internationally to help tackle this very important issue.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Lost Cause

On Friday, February 11th, I will hike into Virachey National Park in Northern Cambodia with hopes of reaching Phnom Veal Thom on Friday, February 18th. A feat that trekkers say less than 200 people have accomplished. This trek will be the biggest mental and physical test I’ve ever had in my life. I want to challenge YOU as well, to donate and or fund-raise as much money as possible for WWTFG so we can build wells! While rea...ching Phnom Veal Thom will be a great personal accomplishment, the feat I really want to accomplish is for all of you incredible people to raise a total of $1,000 in the week that I’m trekking. Use the resources that I’ll be without like your computers and cellphones to fund-raise and raise awareness about WWTFG and the campaign. Ask family members, ask classmates, or ask your workplace to somehow contribute in anyway they can. If you live in South Jersey, we can collect the money you amazing people are able to get. If not, you can transfer the money to a credit card and make a donation via PayPal on the website. This feat can and will be accomplished, I believe in all of YOU! So from February 11th to February 18th, contribute in anyway you can to help out so we can reach this goal!

How to Donate: (Click the donate button under to help) (Buy a shirt that has all proceeds go to WWTFG)

My Goal: To reach Phnom Veal Thom in 1 week.
My Goal For all of You: To raise $1,000 for WWTFG while I'm attempting to reach Phnom Veal Thom.

Thank You,