My Mission:

My mission is not only to provide the tools necessary to help out the 1.1 billion people who lack safe drinking water but to raise awareness on the topic as well. 1 out of every 6 people worldwide still lack access to the earths most overlooked and precious resource, water. In the time it took you to read what was written above, a child died from a water-borne illness such as diarrhea(1 every 20 seconds or 5,000 children a day). It's easy to overlook the seriousness of this issue as we waste water like it's going out of style whether it be our pools, water parks, and even bottled water. Not only is this water needed to quench the thirst of those living in developing countries but it's needed for hygiene practices and most importantly, agriculture which dominates many of these countries economies. I'm dedicating my life(for now) to making sure I can do everything I can both domestically and internationally to help tackle this very important issue.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Water Wednesday Facts

Find a fact, make it your status/tweet, get friends to do the same!

-Water kills more children then anything else in the world.
-More than one billion people do not have access to safe water.
-About 1.8 million children die every year due to diarrheal diseases.
-Water kills more people then HIV/AIDS, Malaria, and TB COMBINED!
-Providing safe, clean, drinkable water can reduce deadly diarrhea and other devastating diseases by about 50%.
-Over 10% of Cambodian children die before their 1st birthday due to waterborne diseases.
-An African or Asian women in a developing country walks on average 3.2 miles to fetch "water".
-8% of rural Cambodia has access to basic sanitation.
-More than 1.2 billion people gained access to improved drinking water between 1990 and 2004 through NGO efforts like mine.!
-A child dies every 20 seconds due to a waterborne disease.
-The UN wants to cut the number of people who lack access to safe drinking water in half by 2015.
-Someone had the idea of getting people to donate 25 dollars for his 25th birthday, it got such a great response that he committed his life to the fight and has raised over 5 million dollars giving safe drinking water to over 258,000 people to date.
-I can tell if you read the whole thing right now because you would be informed I have a really mean cat.

Thank you to all who participate today!

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