My Mission:

My mission is not only to provide the tools necessary to help out the 1.1 billion people who lack safe drinking water but to raise awareness on the topic as well. 1 out of every 6 people worldwide still lack access to the earths most overlooked and precious resource, water. In the time it took you to read what was written above, a child died from a water-borne illness such as diarrhea(1 every 20 seconds or 5,000 children a day). It's easy to overlook the seriousness of this issue as we waste water like it's going out of style whether it be our pools, water parks, and even bottled water. Not only is this water needed to quench the thirst of those living in developing countries but it's needed for hygiene practices and most importantly, agriculture which dominates many of these countries economies. I'm dedicating my life(for now) to making sure I can do everything I can both domestically and internationally to help tackle this very important issue.

Friday, November 19, 2010

What the Future of this Blog will Bring

Before I start off my 1st post, I'd like to thank my mentor, Mr. Cedric Hodgeman, for the knowledge and opportunities he's given me. Also special thanks to Lynsey Allen, Theo Molestone, Dr. Raul Roman and everyone else who's helped me out along the way. All the statistics on this site are from reliable sources such as the UN, UNICEF, WHO, If you question a statistic, I'll send you a link.

This blog will give you the opportunity to...
-Follow me as I embark abroad to provide people with un-contaminated water and the knowledge behind the topic.
-See where your donations actually go and how they're being used.
-Stay up to date with progress worldwide on this issue.
-Get involved both domestically and internationally to help this cause.
-Become knowledgeable on 1 of the most important Human Rights issues affecting us today.

As usual,

1 comment:

  1. YOU ARE AMAZING! And, an inspiration to everyone. I love you!
