My Mission:

My mission is not only to provide the tools necessary to help out the 1.1 billion people who lack safe drinking water but to raise awareness on the topic as well. 1 out of every 6 people worldwide still lack access to the earths most overlooked and precious resource, water. In the time it took you to read what was written above, a child died from a water-borne illness such as diarrhea(1 every 20 seconds or 5,000 children a day). It's easy to overlook the seriousness of this issue as we waste water like it's going out of style whether it be our pools, water parks, and even bottled water. Not only is this water needed to quench the thirst of those living in developing countries but it's needed for hygiene practices and most importantly, agriculture which dominates many of these countries economies. I'm dedicating my life(for now) to making sure I can do everything I can both domestically and internationally to help tackle this very important issue.

Friday, November 19, 2010

What Your Money Can Do

I'm not one to ask or beg but the only way this issue is going to be solved is with money. I'm making absolutely no money off of anything donated and I'll upload how your money is being put to use frequently. Here are a few idea's of how your money can make a serious and lasting impact.

-$1 provides safe drinking water to a child for 40 days.
-$7 treats over 350 liters of water.
-$10 provides a filter for a whole family.
-$15 provides a purifying instrument.
-$69 provides over 10,000 purification tablets which would make 50,000 liters of clean water.
-$75 can provide a frequent source of water of 4,300 liters in an area like Phnom Penh where it rains a lot but using purified rain water.
-$100 makes a a small community system pump mainly used for irrigating crops.
-$250 creates a pump system for a community.
-$500 installs a water pump which eliminates long walks for women and children to fetch water and provides a safe and constant supply.

The donate tab is next to the section next to help me if you want to use a credit card. If you're in South Jersey you can meet up with me or I'll come to your house to get the money.

Thank You Everyone,

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